1) What is your current obsession?
Orchids. I posted about my new obsession with them back in February and now that I've been reading up, there are soooooo many people in the same boat! I have a few new types I'd like to get, but alas, not yet. Here is a picture of the white phaleonopsis Hubby got me for Mother's Day:
2) What is your weirdest obsession? After reading "Chocolate and Steel"'s answers, she going to think I'm the worst person, but I have to say killing the goddamn snails and slugs that are sliming all over my plants and killing my flowering cherry tree!! I put down the pellets that kill them and that was great - until the 40-days-and-40-nights of rain we've had. Now it seems all the poison has washed away. My poor pansies rebounded and are flowering again, but tonight I pulled 2 snails from the pot and threw them into the street. UUGH I HATE THEM! What purpose do they serve??
3) What are you wearing today? A Mossimo black short-sleeved, collared jersey dress with a little waist tie (I got it at Target 4 years ago) and a pale-pink 3/4 sleeve Gap cardigan (I think I got it about 7 years ago). And I wear panty-hose to work because don't think it is appropriate to wear bare legs at work - I know, get with the program. The only way I go bare legs at work is if my skirt almost hits my ankles. Since I just took pics of the orchids, I decided to throw one in of the outfit...
4) What's for dinner? Regular and Banana Walnut Cheerios (the nanny feeds Ryan and hubby won't be home)
5) What's the last thing you bought? Gap kids clothes for Ryan and got a matching outfor for her cousin Daisy. BTW, there are amazing sales at Gap Kids!
6) What are you listening to right now? The hum of the ceiling fan and Dora The Explorer from the other room. I know, bad mom - I should be putting her to bed instead of blogging. :-0 She has been outside all day and she really wanted to watch Dora, so I caved.
7) What is your favorite ice-cream flavour? Vanilla (but would add caramel or strawberry sauce if it was available!)
8) What do you think of the person who tagged you?
I think "Chocolate and Steel" makes the coolest jewelry....take a look at these favorites of mine from her Etsy shop....9) If you could have a house totally paid for, fully furnished anywhere in the world, where would you like it to be? All paid for? All the taxes too? I'm be where I am in Long Beach - right by the Ocean with a decent piece of property so I could have a greenhouse and garden. Oh, and a house big enough for me to have my own sewing room!
10) If you could go anywhere in the world for the next hour, where would you go? Jacksonville FL to visit my brother, SIL, and niece.
11) What is your favorite colour? Green - although Blue is a close second.
12) Which language do you want to learn? Polish because it is my hertiage and Ryan now knows it from having a Polish nanny - she even speaks it. My SIL is Polish so Ryan should be able to maintain it, but I want to learn it also.
13) What is your favorite piece of clothing in your own wardrobe? A sleeveless collared navy blue v-neck I got at Loft 3 years ago - it started me on my navy kick and I wish I could buy this same shirt in different colors. You probably think I don't have new clothes with my answers to this post! I do, just not as many with this economy....I DO pare down the closet and donate to goodwill. :-)
14) What's your favourite magazine? Country Living and Coastal Living (bc I would love to live on a farm by the Ocean!)
15) If you had $100 now, what would you spend it on? $20 to Starbucks card....$50 on some orchids I'd like to order.....$30 for a mani/pedi.
16) Favorite artist/s?
Henri Matisse....and a painter I found on Etsy - Tracey Gurley - I LOVE LOVE her flower paintings.
17) What's your favorite season and why? I like all seasons and glad we have all in the northeast, but Spring is my favorite because the flowers start to come out and weather gets nicer.....
18) Describe your personal style? Easy and comfortable, but not sweats comfortable - cargos and sandals on weekends - easy dresses for parties - white pants in summer and jeans in winter are MUSTS. I also wear glasses and usually do the Sarah Palin hair with a clip - as I've had that for years - it is just an easy style for long hair! Hubby says I have the 'dirty librarian' look.....
19) What are you going to do after this? Put Ryan to bed and eat my Cheerio dinner while watching "Deadliest Catch" from Tuesday night.
20) What are your favourite movies? I don't see many movies, but I can watch "Thank You for Smoking", "Where the Heart Is", "She's Having a Baby", "Snatch", "The Sound of Music" over and over.
21) What's your favourite fruit? How to choose?? watermelon.
22) What inspires you? Just about anything now a days - I find all I want to do is sew - and sew things I haven't done before like summer tunics and dresses and skirts....
23) What music do you like this week? Allman Brothers Band - makes me think of outside late-afternoon BBQs by the beach
24) What is your dream job? Farming and sewing - but I also work in commercial real estate and have gotten back into that area at my current job - so I'm really happy now!
25) What is stopping you? I'd need 48 hours to my day
26) If you could change something in the world to make it a better place what would that be?
Acceptance of those not like ourselves.
27) What do you have planned for tomorrow? Work....it is the Friday I go into the office. I have every-other Friday off - so another reason to like my day job.
The rules :1. Respond and rework; answer the question on your blog, replace one question that you dislike with a question of your invention, add one more question of your own. OK - I didn't do this bc I didn't read the rules first...
2. Tag eight other people.
My Rambling Thoughts
Oceanside Creations
If I Had a Hammer
Life of a Bird
Have You Seen My Dragon?
Live, Love YARN!
Just be Happy!
Designs by Vanessa